Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ready? No. Set? No. Take-off!

Almost nine months later, and here we are.  At the dreaded return to routine.  Or the much anticipated return home.  We feel sad, somewhat nostalgic.  At the same time, it's exciting to see loved ones, and we're ready to experience the comforts of home.  At home.  The emotions varied from moment to moment.

We arrived at the KL airport early, and spent the last hours discussing the necessities of a return to the regularly scheduled programming that is life.  P’s flight to Poland left hours before mine, and I kept myself busy by browsing the expensive shops.  A girl can dream, although that dream was quickly smashed by the stink-eye of a perfumed sales lady, who refused to recognize my 9 months old backpacker gear of ratty shirt and Ali Baba pants as trendsetting.  Oh, well.  What does she know.  A final turn in the ubiquitous squat toilet, for old times’ sake, and it was time for a grand departure from Asia. 

We didn't leave unchanged.  Along with the mandatory souvenirs, we took back so much more.  So, a few of my thoughts after this surreal experience:

-          We learned to yield chopsticks like pros.

-          The local approach: fight heat with heat, both of the temperature and spiciness variety.  I’m still not convinced that it works, although it does quench thirst.

-          We learned to accept things as they are, not as we thought they ought to be.  It’s an elusive concept, and I hope we can still practice it back home, as its application is truly universal.

-          No English?  No problem.  You’d be surprised how effective sign language becomes.  Conversely, locals become very attuned to your body language, so check what you may be inadvertently communicating.

-          Curiosity is a major common trait of every traveler.

-          I prefer nature-made landscapes to man-made ones.

-          You may not know their name, but you've learned their life story.  Simple, with so little time at the crossroads of these common travel paths, people tend to open up more.  And more quickly.

-          Man, jungle insects make some weird noises.  I spent many a night awake, imagining what the creepy crawlies are doing.  And, more importantly, where they’re doing it.  Well, not IT.

-          Sometimes, food is best enjoyed while eaten with hands. For some unfathomable reason, it just tastes better.

-          Check and recheck everything.  And I mean everything.  The smallest detail can stunt your plans.

-          Freshly laundered clothes are a luxury under-appreciated back home.

-          My new favorite perfume: mosquito repellent.  No, not really.

-          I nominate the gecko for the least fussy pet award.  Feeds itself while taking care of those pesky insects.  Makes debatably cooing sounds, perfect for sleep.  No need for artificial white noise.

-          Smaller meals and an intense exercise regimen (up and down hotel stairs with a 10 kg bag, a few times a day) make for a healthy lifestyle.  Except maybe for the tons of dust you tend to swallow on local rides.

-          The proverbial “they” say that “getting there is half the fun”.  Yup, the “getting there” part makes for some really funny stories.

-          Get a thick skin.  As necessary as the fore-mentioned mosquito repellent, but for different reasons.

-          Skype rulez.  The end.

Most importantly, don’t lose sight that you are there to enjoy yourself.  Look.  See.  Quest with all your senses.  Trip of a lifetime and all that. 

See you on the road!


  1. Its not the destination, its the journey :-)
    and what a journey it was. I'm glad i got to read all about your adventures.
    so where are you going next???

  2. Come on. Let's go already!

  3. I read this already. I thought you wrote something else. No I'm disapointed :-(

    Pack your bag, and go somwwhere, so I can read about it ;-)
